View all15.09.2022
Measure to improve: DANI embraces Magis progect.

LIFE MAGIS (MAde Green in Italy Scheme) is a project co-funded by the European Union LIFE Programme to support the implementation of the Made Green in Italy scheme, promoted by the Ministry of Ecological Transition to enhance Italian products with the best environmental performance.
In order to measure the environmental performance of products, the Made Green in Italy scheme is based on a scientific method of environmental assessment that refers to the Product Environmental Footprint (PEF), a calculation of the environmental impacts of goods and services, developed and promoted by the European Commission to harmonize the evaluation and environmental communication.
PEF considers 16 specific indicators that may involve land, water, air and human health. The objective of PEF is to allow companies to quantify the environmental footprint of their products in a standardised way and to communicate their environmental performance to consumers, facilitating the comparison of products and an informed purchasing behaviour.
DANI was selected, along with two other tanneries, as a demonstration of how seriously the industry is committed to sustainability and reducing its impacts.
The article on which the assessments were made is Boxland. The study allowed DANI to measure the environmental impacts of the Boxland finished leather throughout its entire life cycle, constituting a fundamental knowledge tool to find more sustainable solutions for the environment with a view to continuous improvement.
Thanks to the combination of sustainable solutions throughout the production process and the use of electricity from renewable sources, DANI has been able to optimise its activities while respecting the planet.
Considering the entire annual production of Box Land, thanks to the use of electricity coming exclusively from photovoltaic systems, DANI has avoided the emission of 172,304 kg of CO2 eq. which is equivalent to the kg of CO2
- absorbed in one year by 22,973 equivalent trees*
- generated by an average car travelling 1,435,866 km**
- emitted to produce the energy needed to charge 21,538,000 smartphones***.
Find out more about the MAGIS project and see the Environmental Product Footprint Statement (DIAP) on our website.
*Elaboration on Life Cycle Communication tool Project Effige. Data source: AzzeroCO2 Forestation Dossier (2012). According to the dossier, 100,000 trees absorb 75,000 tons of CO2 over a 100-year life. The average annual absorption is therefore 7.5 kg per equivalent tree. The term ‘equivalent tree’ is used because there are different species in the various forestation measures, both trees and shrubs.
**Elaboration on Life Cycle Communication tool Project Effige. Data source: EA Report – no. 2/2020: Monitoring CO2 emissions from passenger cars and vans in 2018. According to the report, the average emission of new cars in Europe in 2018 is 0.12 kg CO2 per km driven.
***Elaboration on Life Cycle Communication tool Project Effige. Data source: Elaboration on Unilever study estimates (2019).
DANI’s debut in the outdoor world starts at Lineapelle Milano.
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